A blend of teas from Assam and Kenya. The Assam teas are picked from the top production of the Second Flush, a period of high growth in the month of June. The Kenyans selected are usually those produced in either February or August when the most flavorful seasonal quality leaf is grown. The Assam component of this Irish blend gives the cup a strong, deep malty character with heavy layers of astringency that dry the mouth, feeling almost as if you could chew the tea. The Kenyan teas provide a bright coppery color with floral notes that add a complex depth to the cup.
- Ingredients From: Kenya / Assam Region, India
- Grade(s): Broken Orange Pekoe (BOP) / Broken Pekoe #1 (BP1)
- Manufacture Type: Cut, Torn, and Curled (CTC)
- Infusion: Bright and Coppery
- Caffeine: Medium
- Steep at 212⁰ for 5-7 minutes.
Luxury ingredients: Black tea
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