Yerba Mate is one of South America’s most widely consumed and revered hot beverages. The drink is made by brewing the dry roasted leaves of the Yerba Mate tree, a small evergreen that is a member of the Holly family. The tree is native to the subtropical highlands of Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, and Argentina, and it is in those countries that the majority of Yerba Mate is consumed. In fact, it is not uncommon for visitors in those countries to see people sharing the drink outdoors at the park or on the beach.
Full bodied and smooth. The roasted character imparts a coffee-like toast flavor. Rich in mateine, which is recognized as a mild stimulant.
- Ingredients From: Brazil
- Infusion: Pale coppery brown
- Caffeine: Medium
- Steeping Instructions: 1 tsp of tea for 8oz water. Steep at 212⁰ for 5-7 minutes.
Luxury ingredients: Roasted Mate
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